Order Tickets Online NOW!

The Cadillacs present their 4th Annual Fund Raiser to benefit One Place of the Shoals. This family-friendly “Ultimate Oldies Show” will take place on Saturday, January 18th at 7pm at the Florence/Lauderdale Coliseum.
GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Advanced tickets for Adults are $15, Youth tickets (ages 10-18) are $12, and Children under 10 are FREE. Day of the show, tickets for Adults will be $20 and Youth $15.
All Proceeds Benefit One Place of the Shoals
Ticket are NOW AVAILABLE at the following outlets:
Counts Brothers Music
Odem & Odem Attorneys at Law
One Place of the Shoals
TVA Community Credit Union
and online
Dennis Odem
Counts Brothers Music, Inc. Courier Journal Fisher-Smith Animal Hospital
Mitchell Printing / Promotions
Odem & Odem Attorneys TVA Community Credit Union Woodruff & McCaney, LLC